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.ems-land-com .tab-grp li {
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.ems-land-com [data-content] {
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.ems-land-com [data-content].active {
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/*Tab action css*/

/*Help search css added*/
#ws_QueryBox {
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.srch-div {
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    height: 40px

.search-result-wrap {
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#ws_QueryBox {
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    height: 23px;
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li.ws_resultitem {
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.ws_resSummary {
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@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
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        width: 100%;

/*Mirror and Checksum content css*/
.more-opt .f-head {
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.more-opt .buildnumber {
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.more-opt .f-body {
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.more-opt {
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.more-dwn-opt {
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.more-avail-lang {
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.csum {
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.csum ul {
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.csum ul li:first-child {
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.csum ul li {
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.csum ul li:last-child {
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.csum ul li.merge {
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.csum ul li span {
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.csum ul li span:first-child {
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.csum ul li span:last-child {
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@media screen and (max-width:768px) {
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        display: none

/*Mirror and Checksum content css*/